Ok today was awesome!!! Well I got back from my cousin Emily's house this morning ( I sleep over there last night) so I'll tell you about fun activities that we do at sleepovers and you'll see that this type of stuff can bring cousins to be more interested in having more sleepovers which will get them to be best-friends like my and Emily!
Ok first of all pick the house where there is less crazy stuff going on so you can have more time to do what you plan. First of all what you need to do is go on a bike ride around the neighborhood so you can talk. Then go swimming and play like marco-polo. You should also go to your neighborhood rec-center or YMCA so if you get bored of swimming there'll be more to do there. Then if your still into house or dolls then create a fun game. If they've got brothers and sisters who wanna hang out with you guys, the including them makes it so much funner! Then you could talk about like interests that you guys have. Like crushes, friends, somebody who you really look up to. Like an older family member. This is who we talk about. The guy in the picture at the top. My celebrity crush... Trace Cyrus. Hes also in my favorite band, Metro Station. Emily hates him... I love him. Anywho you can also make a really kool website with them on http://www.piczo.com/ or http://www.zoomshare.com/ , But trust me piczo is way easier. Check out Emily and my site, http://www.hypergirlz37.piczo.com/ . Thats alot of the fun stuff you could do. Also buy like friendship braclets or friendship stuffed animals. Just go crazy! Be very hyper too!!!! That makes sleepovers all the more fun.
Ok sp anyway... I'm im this Musical Theatre Class for like the next 2 weeks. They have this like, little Talent Show on the last day. Her is my problem. I can't choose whether to sing the song Popular from Wicked the Musical, or do a monuloge from Alice in WonderLand! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Its making my head hurt trying to choose!!!!!!! I'm gonna go text me best-friend and ask her which I should do. Tick...Tock...Tick...Tock. Ok I'm back and Peggy said to do the Alice In Wonerland thing. Well Bi-Bi!