Tuesday, September 30, 2008
1. I usually spend about 2 hours on the computer everyday. If I don't I get a horrible head-ache and need to look at pictures of Trace Cyrus. I usually go back and forth to about 5 websites.
2. I have a weird obsession with a band called Metro Station and all the people in it. I only think 1 is cute (Trace Cyrus). 2 are awesome ( Mason Musso and AnT Improgo) and the other 1 is just weird ( Blake) All that makes me want to glue my eyes to my computer, do research, look at their pictures, and blast their music!
3. I'm kinda random. But the weird thing is I'm only random when I'm in public with my cousins Emily and Peggy. (If you've meet Emily that's no surprise) Sometimes it happens when I'm with my friends Kaitlyn and Nikki to. I'll always be in a park and I'll just be like " COOKIES!!" Its really hilarious and sad that's I would do that at the same time and when I'm with my mom, brothers, sister, or my Dad I'm really quiet. But with my Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins I am hyper and crazy!
4. I'm addicted to doodling in class. Its a really bad habit. The teacher will be talking about multiples of numbers and I'll be sitting there doodling a graveyard scene or writing Metro Station in awesome letters. I'm also addicted to reading Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books. So when I'm in American Government I'll be reading about the adventures of Bridget, Tibby, Lena, and Carmen.
5. I like to day dream. Exspecially when I'm in school. In science and cooking exspecially! I just like can't stop. Today it rained really bad and I was supposed to write an Autobiography and I'm just sitting there day dreaming. Its usually about stupid stuff like winning a shopping spree or something.
6. I get bored so fast. Like when I'm on the computer. I get so bored when nobody e-mails me back. Like I'm also sitting there anxiously awaitng new e-mails. Then when I realize I have them I always read them like 3 times.
So now you know all my weird habits. So here are the rules for the meme:
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.
4. Tag more or less 6 people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know he or she has been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
I don't know who I'm tagging yet so... yeah. Bi Bi!♥
Nicks New Car
Monday, September 29, 2008
MTV Europe Music Awards Nominees in Liverpool, UK
Alicia Keys – As I Am
Britney Spears - Blackout
Coldplay – Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends
Duffy – Rockferry
Leona Lewis – Spirit
Foo Fighters
Linkin’ Park
The Cure
Tokio Hotel
Most Addictive Track
Coldplay – Viva La Vida
Duffy – Mercy
Katy Perry – I Kissed A Girl
Kid Rock – All Summer Long
P!nk – So What
New Act
Jonas Brothers
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
One Republic
Act of 2008
Amy Winehouse
Britney Spears
Leona Lewis
Ultimate Urban
Alicia Keys
Chris Brown
Kanye West
Lil Wayne
More Selena Gomez...

The 16-year-old Wizards of Waverly Place listened to her iPod while she rushed through the airport and tried to avoid photographers as much as possible.
Rachel Bilson is Edie Rose

Back in March, it was announced that Rachel was designing a junior sportsline that included everything from jackets, dresses and jeans to knits.
“I want people to see these clothes for what they are, not just another line designed by another celebrity,” The 26-year-old Jumper star said. “I want the line to be taken seriously.”
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Art Work

Feel the magic By Danny Miller

Throats Raw from Screaming By Danny Miller

Street Art By Danny Miller

Still Life By Danny Miller

Bird By Danny Miller

Peace and War By Danny Miller
My cousin Danny...

Reoccuring Shame By Danny Miller
Ya so my cousin is like a really awesome artist person but hes like only 18. For more go to
www.dannybr0ot4l.deviantart.com Check it out! BI-BI♥!
Miley to Appear in Brothers Vampire Inspired music Video!
“The video [for Metro Stations's "Seventeen Forever"] starts with Trace riding in a bumber car, when he gets hit by another driver: Miley,” Pop eater reports. Their father, Billy Ray, plays the ride operator.” Scary stuff
Aish and Will

Will Smith
Will Smith, 37, will finally get to act with Aishwarya Rai or the other way round depending on who you think is more keen on the liaison! The Hollywood star was reportedly very smitten with Ash. On a week-long visit to India in February, Smith expressly asked to meet the Bollywood star and hit it off very well with her.
Will Smith's business manager, James Lassiter, then offered a lead role to Ash opposite Smith in a film that will hit the floors later this year.Aishwarya was slated to act opposite Smith in last year's hit romantic comedy, Hitch, but the deal fell through. At that time, Ash was filming Bride and Prejudice and did not have the dates for Hitch.
More Vintage Demi
More vintage demi check out http://alllthegossip.blogspot.com/2008/08/vintage-demi-lovato.html
Selena Gomez Does Charity

The AmberWatch Foundation’s mission is to provide innovative educational programs and tools to help children stay safe from sexual predators and abduction.
Selena, 16, is the active chairperson of the AmberWatch Youth Coalition.
Earlier this week, the Wizards of Waverly Place star made a front-row appearance at Dancing With the Stars.
Zanessa go to Sweden
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A radio station, 104.5 WSNX in Grand Rapids, Michigan is holding a competition they call, Jump-a-Jonas, and according to contest rules, the first person who can prove they have had consensual sex with Kevin Jonas or Joe Jonas will win a $10,000 grand prize. I wonder if anyone will win...lets just hope they find it funny..... (Sixteen-year-old Nick Jonas is not eligible because he is underage).
Sarah Palin In a Beauty Pageant
Miley Cyrus is worth $25 Million!
Friday, September 26, 2008
The Jonas Brothers are the Lucas Brothers
Kevin and Joe of the Jonas Brothers get some shopping done at the Studio City Mall in Studio City, Calif. on Thursday.
JoBros will being shooting their Disney Channel series starting on Monday according to Access Hollywood
The series will be called Jonas, referring to the street they live on. The trio plays three brothers in a band known as the Lucas Brothers!
The “bonus” Jonas (Frankie) will be making recurring guest appearances.
The series is scheduled to debut next Spring. “It’s going to be a funny show and it’s going to be a great cast,” Joe said. “I’m really excited!”
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Awesome Band

Joe Jonas Joins Christian Audigier
Sprouse twins are all grown up
They also talked about there new show and there 16th birthday party. They have changed a lot since there big daddy days cuz in the interview they sounded really rude and snobbish.
Miley Cyrus and Justin Gaston at the Pussy Cat Dolls concert
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Awesome SONGS!
Somebody said a Prayer - By Billy Ray Cyrus
Hotel California- Eagles
I Ran- A Flock of Seaguls
Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
Live your Life - Rhiana ft. T.I.
Music Videos....
Control - Metro Station
Somebody said a Prayer - Billy Ray Cyrus
Shake it - Metro Station
Kelsey - Metro Station
Pirates of the Caribean 1,2, & 3
Blades of Glory
Office Space
The Notebook
Thats all for now. Oh I almost forgot! What do you do when you need to feel happy? I'm unhappy. Cheer me up please. I wanna cry! BI-BI )':