Just Jared |
- Chris Daughtry & Wife: Expecting Twins!
- Freida Pinto in IMMORTALS -- First Pic!
- Jensen Ackles & Danneel Harris: Upfront Couple
- Anderson Cooper: TULANE Commencement Speech!
- Ashley Olsen: Emergency Flight Landing!
- Aishwarya Rai is So Sari
- Keri Russell: RUNNING WILDE Video Clips!
- 3OH!3 & Ke$ha: MY FIRST KISS Video Preview!
- Hayden Christensen: Rachel Bilson is a Great Stylist
- Christina Aguilera Talks Estrogen & Exploration
- Danneel Harris: Upfronts for FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS
- Aviana Olea Le Gallo: Amy Adams' New Daughter!
- Daniel Radcliffe: Trevor Project PSA!
- Jason Alexander Loses 30 Pounds on Jenny Craig
- Vincent Kartheiser: Fire! Fire! Fire!
- Sienna Miller: Piaget Perfection
- Reese Witherspoon: Peace, Love, Softball
- Blake Lively Covers VOGUE June 2010
- Christina Aguilera: Lady Gaga is Great!
- Jessica Simpson's Provocative 'Fancy Nights'
- Katy Perry: CALIFORNIA GURLS Video Preview!
- Ronnie James Dio Dies at 67
- Aishwarya Rai & Abhishek Bachchan: Cannes Couple
Chris Daughtry & Wife: Expecting Twins! Posted: 17 May 2010 08:30 PM PDT Chris Daughtry and his wife, Deanna, are expecting twins this November! The couple, who married in 2001, are already parents to two children - Hannah, 13, and Griffin, 11. “Due to Deanna’s partial hysterectomy in 2006 the couple used IVF and had their embryos transferred to a gestational surrogate,” a statement on Chris‘ website read. “Deanna and I are overjoyed about this double blessing,” Chris said. “Thank you for your expressions of love and support and for respecting for our privacy during this special time.” Congratulations to the happy couple!! |
Freida Pinto in IMMORTALS -- First Pic! Posted: 17 May 2010 07:45 PM PDT Scope out this first pic of Freida Pinto in the new Greek mythology tale, Immortals, directed by Tarsem Singh (The Fall, The Cell). With Henry Cavill all shirtless in the back! When Tarsem was asked about the scene he was about to shoot on set, he shared, “Poor girl. It’s the first time we have Freida Pinto and guest what, it’s a sex scene. It’s a delicate situation. We’re trying to get all of the lights out, so we can create an intimate situation. Only 80 people watching you and 20 of them with video [cameras]!” You can watch the video interview at IAMROGUE.com! Tarsem also talked about how hot Henry’s body has gotten here! |
PERFECT COUPLES Hit NBC Upfronts Posted: 17 May 2010 07:00 PM PDT The cast of NBC’s new comedy Perfect Couples (L-R) Olivia Munn, Hayes MacArthur, Mary Elizabeth Ellis, David Walton and Christine Woods hit the red carpet at the 2010 NBC Upfront presentation at NYC’s Hilton Hotel on Monday (May 17). There’s no such thing as the perfect couple - even though it might look that way, behind closed doors it’s a whole different story. This new comedy is about three couples trying to keep the spark alive! 10+ pictures inside… Click inside to watch the cute “Perfect Couples” featurette…
“Perfect Couples” Feaurette |
Jensen Ackles & Danneel Harris: Upfront Couple Posted: 17 May 2010 06:14 PM PDT Jensen Ackles holds hands with his newly wedded wife, Friends with Benefits star Danneel Harris, as they head over to at NYC’s Hilton Hotel for NBC’s 2010 Upfront Presentation. Friends with Benefits revolves around a group of twenty-something singles as they navigate the difficult, and often confusing, world of dating. Ben Weymouth (Ryan Hansen) is on the hunt for the perfect woman who meets his unique set of standards, while his best friend, Sara Maxwell (Danneel), is just looking for a man to settle down with and raise a family. Ben and Sara have fallen into the habit of turning to each other for moral and physical support as they wait for Mr. and Ms. Right to arrive. Their friend Aaron (Fran Kranz), a romantic at heart, doesn’t approve of Ben and Sara’s complicated friendship, but he, along with womanizer Hoon (Ian Reed Kesler) and straight shooter Riley (Jessica Lucas), are all distracted with their own dating trials and tribulations. |
Anderson Cooper: TULANE Commencement Speech! Posted: 17 May 2010 05:30 PM PDT Anderson Cooper takes the stage at Tulane University’s commencement on Saturday (May 15) in New Orleans, Louisiana. The 42-year-old CNN anchor spoke about economic worries, what he felt as a college graduate at Yale and watching the city regroup after Hurricane Katrina. The Silver Fox also threw in a few funnies! Click inside to read the full transcript… Anderson Cooper: TULANE Commencement Speech! Thank you, does anyone else feel like you are at a Harry Potter convention? Either that or a Renaissance Fair? Members of the class of 2010, parents, President Cowen or Professor Dumbeldore, I had to get him back for the modeling comment, Trustees, honored guests, faculty, friends, and Who Dats, thank you very much for inviting me here to speak on this very special day. I must admit I was nervous about what I would say here today, and then I began to think back to my own graduation from college, 21 years ago. And I realized… I have absolutely no memory of actually graduating college. I mean, I know I did, because I'm constantly hounded by the alumni association, which starting tomorrow, you will be as well… but if you gave me free catfish poboys at domelices for the rest of my life, I couldn't tell you what happened at my commencement. And it's not just that I don't remember what the speaker said, I don't even remember who the speaker was. So I'm not nervous anymore.. cause you're not going to remember a damn thing I say. you're going to wake up tomorrow.. in your own bed, or someone else's…if you're lucky. Hey you're not going to see most of these people ever again, so why not go for it? Your parents have to go to sleep at some point. Anyway, you're going to wake up tomorrow, and today will be a blur. You're parents will remember because lets face it, they've paid a lot of money to finally see this day, so they want to enjoy every second. I do hope at some point this weekend, if you haven't already, you'll look your parents in the eyes, hold them close, and thank them for their sacrifices. As hard as you've worked to get here, they have worked even harder. So parents if your kids haven't said it, let me just say it for them, thank you. I must admit I always find it odd to hear myself introduced as a TV anchor.. I never set out to be one and am always suspicious when of anyone who tells me that's what they want to be.. its like a kid who tells me they want to be a politician. I think you should be real person before you become a fake one. How many liberal arts majors are here? I feel your pain. All the engineers here are smiling. I too was a liberal arts major.. so like you I have no actual skill. I majored in political science, I graduated in 1989, and I'd focused almost entirely on the Soviet Union and communism.. so when the Berlin wall fell I was, well, I was screwed. I mean I know it wasn't about me, and I was happy.. for them.. but personally it was a blow. I know many of you graduating today are worried about the economy, about your job prospects. I wish I could tell you not too, but of course you should be concerned. The one thing I can tell you however, is that this has happened before, and we have recovered. The currents of history only move in one direction- and that's forward. When I graduated there were hiring freezes at most TV news networks. I tried for months to get an entry-level job at ABC news, answering phones, xeroxing, whatever, but I couldn't get hired. At the time it was crushing. But in retrospect, not getting that entry-level job, was the best thing that could have happened to me. After months of waiting, I decided if no one would give me a chance as a reporter, I should take a chance. If no one would give me an opportunity, I would have to make my own opportunity. I wanted to be a war correspondent, so I decided to just start going to wars. As you can imagine, my mom was thrilled about the plan. I had a friend make a fake press pass for me on a mac, and I borrowed a home video camera… and I snuck into Burma and hooked up with some students fighting the burmese government… then I moved onto Somalia in the early days of the famine and fighting there. I figured if I went places that were dangerous, I wouldn't have as much competition, and because I was willing to sleep on the roofs of buildings, and live on just a few dollars a day, I was able to charge very little for my stories. As ridiculous as it sounds, my plan worked, and after two years on my own shooting stories in war zones, I was hired by ABC news as a correspondent. I was the youngest correspondent they had hired in many years. Had I gotten the entry-level job I'd wanted, I would have never become a network correspondent so quickly, I probably would never have even become one at all. The things which seem like heartbreaking setbacks, sometimes turn out to be lucky breaks. While I don't remember commencement, I do remember my senior year of college feeling paralyzed, because I thought I had to figure out my future all at once. Pick a career, start down a path I'd be on for the rest of my life. I now know it doesn't work that way. Everyone I know who is successful, and by successful I mean happy in their professional or personal life, every successful person I know could never have predicted when they graduated from college where they'd actually end up. I'm not saying you should take it easy and just see what happens. You need to outwork everyone around you. You need to arrive early, stay late, you need to make yourself indispensable - you should also probably get rid of those facebook photos of you passed out on bourbon street. But as you consider what to do now, you shouldn't necessarily feel that your next step is the most important one you'll ever take. It's not. You will go down many paths that go nowhere. Especially you English majors. You will try things on and realize they don't fit. And that's how it should be. Learning what you don't want to do, is the next best thing to figuring out what you do want to do. In commencement speeches it's common to give advice. I know this because for days now I've been online reading other people's speeches, basically looking to steal ideas. Back when I was in college by the way, we didn't have the internets..with the googles and the yahoos.. we had to steal ideas the old fashioned way, at the library. Anyway, im not much for giving advice. Especially after reading some other people's speeches. I've quoted this before, but I think it's one worth repeating. This is what Goldie Hawn told graduates several years ago. "while you are continuing to walk down that sometimes-bumpy road of life, develop the art of laughter and joy. Keep in your backpack of treasures the whole you, the best you. The “you” that won’t fear failure, because lessons learned are the only way to grow." I know, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit too. Yoko Ono reportedly screamed for ten seconds at the start of her address.. and then went on to declare. "I say you can’t stand if you’ve got too much muck in your head. Let it go and dance through life." She is so on the money about the muck problem. Last night I ran into some undergraduates, and some medical students who are getting diplomas today, and after talking with them, and listening to them, I realized that I don't need to give you advice, I don't need to try to teach you a lesson… the truth is your class has taught me a lesson. You are the class that came after Katrina, and I'm sure you've heard this often, but that doesn't make it any less true. You saw this city on its knees in those weeks and months after the storm, and yet you still applied to Tulane. You could have gone elsewhere. A lot of folks probably said you were nuts to commit to New Orleans - some of your parents probably said the same thing. But you came anyway. You took a chance. You made a tough choice, but look at you now, look at what you've accomplished, not just for yourselves, but for New Orleans. Your choice helped this city rebuild.. re-new…re-start. It's extraordinary when you think about what's happened here.. in this city… in this very building…nearly five years ago in these seats and these hallways sat thousands of people.. scared.. confused… their homes destroyed.. their lives forever changed. Nearly five years ago, just blocks from here at the convention center thousands more waited for days in the hot sun…lied to, let down. Anyone recognize the name ethel freeman? She was at the convention center..brought there by her son Herbert. She was 91 years old. She survived the storm, but she didn't survive the convention center. She died quietly, sitting in her wheelchair, waiting. Waiting for help. Waiting for medical attention. Waiting for buses that finally came days too late. When she died, her son was told to put a blanket over her head and wheel her to the side of the building. And that's what he did… that's all he could do. When you applied here, you knew this, you had seen this, you'd heard these stories…and yet you came. In your time at Tulane in addition to studying, and working, and (all the other things you've done that I don't need to mention in front of your parents), you've also built homes, you've worked in schools, manned clinics.. volunteered with church groups and charities…you've reached out to strangers, and you've helped change people's lives. Nearly five years after Katrina and New Orleans is back…yes, there is still much work to be done, wrongs to right, families that need healing, neighborhoods that need revival, but this city has risen, and its done so because you, and many others like you, did not give up. Local, state, federal governments, politicians, often failed in the wake of Katrina, but you and the people of this city did not. In thinking about what I would say today, i wasn't sure I was going to mention those dark days after Katrina. I didn't want to do anything to dampen this extraordinary celebration, but then I realized this day is made all the more glorious, because all of us know what it took not just for you to get here, but for this city to get here. This day is made all the more beautiful… because we remember. My father died when I was ten, but he loved New Orleans. His family moved here from Mississippi during world war two because there were jobs here. He used to bring me here all the time, and I remember him saying to me that New Orleans is a city of memory. I didn't understand it at the time, but I do now. In New York, where I live, they tear down the old, and build gleaming, gaudy monuments to the new. But New Orleans doesn't try to erase its past. The ritz carlton hotel, used to be a department store, and the old name is still carved in the building's façade. My grandmother used to sell ladies hats there. If you drive down Rampart you'll pass a school, the Frederick Douglas academy.. but if you look closely you'll see carved above the front door, the old name of the school: Frances T. Nicholls. That's where my dad went to high school. It was segregated in those days, and Francis T. Nicholls was a confederate soldier, a governor of the state, a staunch defender of the old order. Any other city, would have chiseled his name off the building, but New Orleans does not rewrite history. Even that which is painful is not erased. A new layer is simply added upon the old. Walking the streets it's like reading the rings on a tree. New Orleans remembers and so should you members of the class of 2010. As you leave this school.. this city….as you face new choices… new challenges…new successes and setbacks you don't need to remember my speech, but remember what you have learned in the streets of this city. The triumph … and the tragedy.. the richness.. and the poverty…and remember how you have made it better.. you chose to do that.. you chose to be here. I cannot wait to see what you choose to do next. Thank you, and congratulations class of 2010. |
Ashley Olsen: Emergency Flight Landing! Posted: 17 May 2010 05:00 PM PDT Ashley Olsen and Justin Bartha arrive at LAX airport on Monday (May 17) after a scary incident during their flight. The 23-year-old fashionista and her beau were just two of about 100 passengers on a United Airlines flight that had to make an emergency landing last night. According to a passenger (via E! Online), “an electrical fire caused a crack in the plane’s windshield”. The flight from NYC to Los Angeles stopped in Washington, D.C. - everyone was okay on the flight and passengers were rebooked on other flights. Glad everyone’s okay! |
Posted: 17 May 2010 04:30 PM PDT Aishwarya Rai hits the red carpet in style at the premiere of Outrage at the Palais des Festivals on Monday (May 17) in Cannes, France. The 36-year-old actress and her husband, Abhishek Bachchan, have been attending lots of premieres at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival! Which of Aishwarya’s looks is your favorite? Outrage is a story about gang violence in Japan. “I film violence in a way that the viewer really feels the pain," director Takeshi Kitano said.
Keri Russell: RUNNING WILDE Video Clips! Posted: 17 May 2010 04:00 PM PDT A lovable but immature playboy (Will Arnett) tries desperately to win (or buy) the heart of his childhood sweetheart (Keri Russell), the uber-liberal humanitarian who got away in Running Wilde, the new romantic comedy premiering this fall on FOX. Also pictured in group shot below: Stephania Owen (C), Joseph A. Nunez (second from R) and Jayne Houdyshell (R). Watch the four clips of Running Wilde below! |
3OH!3 & Ke$ha: MY FIRST KISS Video Preview! Posted: 17 May 2010 03:30 PM PDT Check out these exclusive shots of Ke$ha and 3OH!3’s new “My First Kiss” video, which will premiere the week of May 31. 3OH!3’s Sean Foreman has said, “The [Isaac Ravishankara-directed] video is a play on kissing in general, and lips, and getting close up to a bunch of lips, and people coming out of mouths and just, like, really cool transitions.” 3OH!3 is currently on tour with Cobra Starship and Travis McCoy. The band’s new album, Street of Gold, hits shelves June 29! If you haven’t heard “My First Kiss” yet, listen here! 10+ pictures inside of the “My First Kiss” video shoot…
Hayden Christensen: Rachel Bilson is a Great Stylist Posted: 17 May 2010 03:00 PM PDT Rachel Bilson covers up in a pair of shades and fedora as she catches a departing flight out of LAX airport on Monday (May 17) in Los Angeles. When her fiance Hayden Christensen was recently asked if he has a personal stylist, he told a Brazilian publication, “No, and I think I never will. But my fiancee [Rachel] is a great personal stylist, and she's all mine! She loves to buy things for me.” For video of Hayden playing soccer and pulling up his pants, visit MSN.com! |
Christina Aguilera Talks Estrogen & Exploration Posted: 17 May 2010 02:30 PM PDT Christina Aguilera laps it up again in this shot for Out magazine’s June 2010 issue. The 29-year-old singer, who’s also the Out cover girl this month, spoke about freeing herself creatively and exploring her sexuality. Check it: On growing creatively since her first album, Christina Aguilera: “On that first album, I was creatively stifled. On Stripped I was like, I don't give a f—." On the thought of being with a woman: "I don't think I could ever really be with a woman because that's a lot of…Yeah, there's a lot of estrogen and I'm a lot to deal with when it's that time of the month, so I can't imagine it times two." For more from Christina, check out Out.com! |
Danneel Harris: Upfronts for FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS Posted: 17 May 2010 02:00 PM PDT Newlywed Danneel Harris (right) joins co-stars Jessica Lucas and Ryan Hansen at the 2010 NBC Upfront presentation held at NYC’s Hilton Hotel on Monday (May 17). The trio, along with Fran Kranz and Ian Reed Kesler, star in a new comedy called Friends With Benefits. Set in Chicago, the show is about five single friends who turn to each other for moral and sometimes physical support, as they mine the dating world looking for The One. FYI: Danneel, who is in town with husband Jensen Ackles, wore a pale pink alice + olivia by Stacey Bendet one-shoulder dress with belt. 10+ pics inside… Click inside to watch the Friends with Benefits featurette…
“Friends with Benefits” Featurette |
Aviana Olea Le Gallo: Amy Adams' New Daughter! Posted: 17 May 2010 01:35 PM PDT Amy Adams and Darren Le Gallo are the proud parents of a baby girl!! The 35-year-old actress gave birth to Aviana Olea Le Gallo on Saturday (May 15) in Los Angeles. This is the first child for both Amy and her fiance, who met in an acting class back in 2001. “Mom and baby are home and doing great,” Amy’s rep told People. “Everyone’s healthy and happy.” Congratulations to the happy family!! |
Daniel Radcliffe: Trevor Project PSA! Posted: 17 May 2010 01:20 PM PDT Check out this new PSA from Daniel Radcliffe for the Trevor Project! The 20-year-old actor showed his support for the organization, which provides crisis support and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth. “It’s something I’ve always been quite passionate about,” Daniel told MTV News. “Because I grew up around gay men, it was always a natural thing to me. It was never something I ever gave a second thought to. … And now I am in a position where I can help an amazing thing like the Trevor Project.” To learn more about the Trevor Project, visit TrevorProject.org! |
Jason Alexander Loses 30 Pounds on Jenny Craig Posted: 17 May 2010 12:50 PM PDT Jason Alexander has trimmed 30 pounds off his figure! The 50-year-old actor, who was named Jenny Craig’s newest spokesman in January, shot a new ad with Valerie Bertinelli to celebrate his success. Typically, women on Jenny Craig pose in bikinis to show off their new bods, but Jason did things his own way and opted to do a Full Monty-style presentation instead! Don’t worry, it’s safe for work… Jason Alexander: Baring It All |
Vincent Kartheiser: Fire! Fire! Fire! Posted: 17 May 2010 12:20 PM PDT Vincent Kartheiser throws Caprica’s Alessandra Torresani over his shoulders in this new photo shoot taken in Los Angeles earlier this week. (The 31-year-old Mad Men actor from Minneapolis, Minnesota plays the ambitious young ad man Pete Campbell.) “After the fifth time we put the fire out, the police stood by watching,” photog Tyler Shields wrote on his blog about the video portrait below. “I thought to myself, ‘This guy is awesome and we may go to jail together right now!’” FYI: Alessandra had three broken ribs during this shoot but was a trooper the whole time! The fourth season of Mad Men will premiere on Sunday (July 25) @ 10PM ET/PT on AMC. Vincent Kartheiser: Fire! Fire! Fire! |
Sienna Miller: Piaget Perfection Posted: 17 May 2010 11:50 AM PDT Sienna Miller is red hot as the new celebrity ambassador for Swiss luxury watchmaker and jeweller Piaget. “I’m thrilled to be working with Piaget,” the 28-year-old British actress shared. “I think they’re a wonderful, classic brand. The jewelry is the spectacular. Very classic but funky too. Nowadays, everybody has such great style, so jewelry can really make it more individual.” Sienna is also putting her celebrity to serve others, taking on the role of global ambassador for International Medical Corps. Last week, CNN interviewed her about it! Sienna Miller: Piaget Photo Shoot! |
Reese Witherspoon: Peace, Love, Softball Posted: 17 May 2010 11:30 AM PDT Reese Witherspoon rehydrates with a custom designed SIGG CafePress water bottle reading “Peace, Love, Softball” on Sunday (May 16) in Los Angeles. The 34-year-old actress will be portraying a softball player in her upcoming film, How Do You Know?, which is scheduled to hit theaters December 17! Over the weekend at Cannes, Woody Allen was asked who he’d like to work with in the future, and he cited Reese and Cate Blanchett! “I think they’re both very talented,” Woody told the AP, “[b]ut I don’t know them. I’ve never had the opportunity to speak with them.” |
Blake Lively Covers VOGUE June 2010 Posted: 17 May 2010 11:00 AM PDT Blake Lively heats up the beach in Nicole Miller boy shorts and a Chanel watch at Swami’s Cafe in Encinitas, Calif. The 23-year-old Gossip Girl is the June 2010 cover girl for Vogue, on stands this week. “I haven’t lived in California for so long,” says Blake, who spent a lot of her childhood in suburban Los Angeles. “But my New York guise is gone. Ostrich flats don’t really work on the beach!” Check out a video of the cover shoot at Vogue.com! Pictured below: Versace white-leather dress, Gucci ribbed shrunken jacket and shorts and a Gucci stretch-canvas scuba dress with net insert. |
Christina Aguilera: Lady Gaga is Great! Posted: 17 May 2010 10:45 AM PDT The comparisons between Christina Aguilera and Lady Gaga have gotten so out of hand, Christina decided to speak up and clarify a few rumors. Here’s what she wrote on her official site: “Dear Fans, I would like to take a moment to clarify something that has been brought to my attention this morning. It is very easy for comments to be taken out of context and create unnecessary drama-especially between us women. So I would like to tell you all directly so my words can not be misconstrued to sell someone else's story…I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that. There is room for all of us on everyone's iPods. “This is not the first time I have been unfairly pitted against another female artist but it will be the last time I comment on the matter. “‘Can't hold us down….’ “With love, C/X“ |
Jessica Simpson's Provocative 'Fancy Nights' Posted: 17 May 2010 10:30 AM PDT Fancy Nights is the third installment in the Jessica Simpson’s "Fancy" fragrance series. The 29-year-old Price of Beauty star said that, "It is a deeper, richer scent – more provocative! A fragrance can lead you deeper into a mood," Jessica told People of the the spicy scent, composed of warm notes of bergamot and Egyptian papyrus blended with Indonesian patchouli, Bulgarian red rose and night-blooming jasmine. "Fancy Nights gives me the chance to express a more romantic side of my personality," Jessica revealed. Last week, JustJared.com confirmed that Jessica will be playing herself on Entourage. |
Katy Perry: CALIFORNIA GURLS Video Preview! Posted: 17 May 2010 10:10 AM PDT Scope out this first look of Katy Perry in a purple wig and her super stylist Johnny Wujek from the set of her “California Gurls” video, which will be released June 10th. There will be cotton candy clouds and a candy forest! The 25-year-old singer is set to perform her hit summer anthem at the 2010 MTV Movie Awards on Sunday (June 6) from the Gibson Amphitheater in Universal City, Calif. Her forthcoming album Teenage Dream drops August 24. Katy shared, "I’m proud to represent the West Coast at the MTV Movie Awards in the magical glow of the Hollywood sign with my new single California Gurls. I hope it will be the theme song to a lot of summer loving, I know it will in my house!" |
Posted: 17 May 2010 09:50 AM PDT
Aishwarya Rai & Abhishek Bachchan: Cannes Couple Posted: 17 May 2010 09:30 AM PDT Aishwarya Rai stays classic in black at the photocall for her new movie, Raavan. at the Salon Diane at The Majestic during the 2010 Cannes Film Festival on Monday (May 17) in Cannes, France. The 36-year-old Indian actress was accompanied by co-star (and husband) Abhishek Bachchan and ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram. Aishwarya plays classical dancer Ragini, who falls in love with policeman Dev (Vikram). On May 15, Aishwarya wore an Emilio Pucci dress at the Vanity Fair and Gucci party honoring director Martin Scorsese at the Hotel Du Cap Eden Roc. 30+ pictures inside of Cannes couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan… |
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