Friday, October 24, 2008

Cyrus 'given sex education chat by dad'

Billy Ray Cyrus has given a sex education talk to his 15-year-old daughter Miley, say reports.

Billy Ray wanted to ensure that his daughter doesn't ruin her clean cut image by not taking precautions in the bedroom, according to The Sun.

He allegedly said: "We brought Miley up with good morals and strong religion, but she's at that age where she is bound to be experimenting and her hormones are going nuts.

"I told her in no uncertain terms that her career would be over if something stupid were to happen and she would no longer be a role model for young girls, something she takes very seriously."

However, Billy Ray won't ban Miley from dating because he believes that she would end up doing it in secret anyway.

Miley is rumoured to be dating 20-year-old Justin Gastron, but has sternly denied she has already engaged in sexual activity with the model.

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