Thursday, October 23, 2008

Miley Cyrus’ Boyfriend Justin Gatson’s Wild Partying Photo’s Leaked!

Miley Cyrus opened up to Ryan Secrest about her new man, Justin Gaston, during a radio interview Here’s what the 15-year-old Disney sensation had to say:

On if she’s dating Justin: Maybe, maybe not.

On if her parents allow her to date Justin: “Yes, but I think that right now, everything’s really good. We’re so happy with the way things have worked out.”

On her relationship with Justin and why age doesn’t matter: “He’s been a really great friend more than anything. Everyone started judging us ever since we started hanging out. But after my last two years, there’s been a lot of things that happened, so I’ve learned not to judge anyone and just go into our friendship with an open mind. Not really worried about the age thing. Our family says, Whatever happens happens.”

On what she sees in Justin: “More than anything, he’s really helped me move on from a lot of things and get my mind of of things. He’s a really great Christian guy. I am totally gushing right now… He works with my dad. He thinks he’s really cool.”

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