Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama On Rolling Stones Cover

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama takes the cover of the latest issue of Rolling Stone. Here are some of the interview’s highlights:

Tell me your reaction when you first heard that he had picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. I didn’t know her, so it was a surprise decision. Look, you have to give them credit: It obviously energized the conservative wing of the party. And that’s worth something in politics.

Weren’t you shocked, at least a little, by the choice of someone with no real experience on the national stage? As I said, we didn’t know her, so we were surprised. It wasn’t anticipated.

Looking back over the past eight years, what’s the thing that Bush screwed up the worst? I think Iraq has to rank number one. Although the economy and his failure, utterly, to anticipate the dangers of such a highly leveraged Wall Street, combined with such a highly leveraged federal government, combined with such highly leveraged consumers, at a time when we knew that baby boomers are about to retire and we need to start storing the acorns for the winter — it’s breathtaking. The level of irresponsibility that’s taken place over the last eight years is breathtaking.

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