OK so anyone who doesn't watch the Olympics, there absolutely crazy! But before I get into that, is there anybody out there who likes rice krispie treats? Well last night my mother and I made homemade rice krispie treats! Well do you want the recipe or not? I'll give it to you. First put 3 table spoons of butter or margerine in a pot and let it melt. Then put in a 10.5 ounce bag of marshmellows or 4 cups of mini marshmellows and let it melt. Then put in 6 cups of rice krispies and take it of the burner right away. Mix it and put it in a pan. Let it sit for 20 minutes then dig in! Well anyway. Last night on the 2008 Olympics, they had on Gymnastics first which is my favorite thing. My cousin Peggy is really into Gymnastics so I called her to make sure she was watching it. When she answered I'm like " Are you watchin the Olympics?" and shes like " Ya did you see that girl fall!" I just thought that was pretty funny that those were the first words out of her mouth. " Then shes like, ya know the girl that just fell?" and I'm like " Ya, what about her?" and shes like, " The olympics lied about her age so she could be in it! Shes really 14 but they said shes 16" and I'm like " Oh? Good to know.?" Then I told my parents and there like, " You don't have to be 16 to be in the Olympics! 12 year olds are in the Olympics!" So leave comments to tell me if Peggy is right or my parents. Are there any Michael Phelps fans out there? Caus the Olympics made him sound like this awesome person that all americans adored even before the Olympics right? So how come I hadn't heard of him till yesterday? I don't know but he is a pretty good swimmer... Well I'm going to go reaserch some of the people I heard about yesterday. Read tomorrow. Bye!
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